SRI Statement on Supreme Court Decision

The Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI) is dedicated to the discovery and application of reproductive science. This includes the evidence-based practice of reproductive medicine. Friday’s Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that overturned Roe v. Wade and revoked the Constitutional right to abortion is in conflict with evidence-based medicine and reproductive science. Members of our Society and of the reproductive science community have contributed to studies that reinforce the safety and effectiveness of pregnancy termination and the harm that comes to women when this basic reproductive right is curtailed. Members of the Society have also contributed to the discovery of safe and effective medical means for pregnancy termination and miscarriage management. 

The SRI believes that personal decisions about intimate reproductive issues should be made by the pregnant person and medical caretakers, with involvement of reproductive partners, as appropriate. The Supreme Court and the legislature have no place inserting themselves into these rights and relationships and they do not do so in any other medical venue. We view Friday’s decision to be discriminatory of all pregnant individuals – and especially those of low income; a group that disproportionately includes underrepresented minorities. This decision also fails to consider the severe emotional and economic harm of carrying a pregnancy to term resulting from rape or incest, or when the fetus has a genetic disease that will cause the child to suffer and die months or years after birth. The SRI will continue to stand for reproductive science and reproductive freedom and deplores this fateful decision that has resulted in the loss of autonomy regarding one’s body and life trajectory, as well as the plethora of unintended negative consequences that will ensue.

Society for Reproductive Investigation

since 1953

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