About Membership

SRI members

Interested in Applying for Membership?

Join the SRI community of 950+ members in more than 30 countries!

When to Apply

Membership applications are reviewed on a monthly basis. Please allow up to six weeks for the revision and notification process from the time of application.

Are you a former member of SRI? Before re-applying, please contact SRI staff for options!

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To request a paper form, please contact the SRI office, at info@sri-online.org.

Membership Categories

Regular Membership

Applicants may be conferred on those individuals who provide evidence of the following:

  1. A doctorate degree (MD, PhD, DPharm)
  2. Evidence of at least two (2) years of research experience including, but not limited to, postdoctoral, basic science or clinical fellowship.

While a minimum of two (2) years should have been spent in this research career, there is no requirement that the nominee should have worked at his/her current institution for two (2) years.

All applications for membership shall be accompanied by the applicant's CV.

The fees for Regular Membership are $350 which includes online access to Reproductive Sciences. Members can also renew for two years at a discounted rate of $630 total. Begin applying now.

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In Training Membership

Applicants for In Training membership must be a full-time postdoctoral trainee, resident, or fellow, or a student enrolled in a formally approved training program leading to a degree (BA, BS, MD, PhD, MS, MPH, DVM). This status expires when the member completes training at which time application for regular membership is expected.

Candidates will provide their CV and anticipated date of training completion, as well as proof of their in training status by their supervisor in the form of a letter. The application materials will be reviewed by the Membership & Nominations Committee and recommendation made to Council. The In Training member will pay nominal dues sufficient to cover administrative costs and may participate in all activities of the society.

The fees for In Training Membership are $105 which includes online access to Reproductive Sciences. Begin applying now.

Are you a current in-training member with a training end date between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? If so, you may qualify for a 50% discount when you apply to become a Regular SRI Member! To apply to become a Regular member, please visit our website here to login and fill out the application. Membership dues fees will be reflected in your checkout page at the end of the application. While this will be available each year, for those who have completed training the previous year, the offer is renewable one-time only and will only be in effect until December 1 of any given year. For additional information or questions, please contact the SRI office at info@sri-online.org.

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Associate Membership

The Associate Membership category is for individuals interested in membership in the SRI. It is for individuals involved in research and/or health care in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Reproductive Medicine and Biology, or allied fields. This category of membership includes, but is not limited to those individuals in the following professions or activities:

  • Laboratory managers
  • Technologists
  • Clinical research nurses and study coordinators
  • Medical Marketing and Promotion
  • Non-Academic-based researchers
  • Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology representatives

The fees for Associate Membership are $213. Begin applying now.

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Emeritus Membership

Emeritus Membership status is granted to full members upon request at his/her 65th birthday and working no more than 25 percent. The member may elect to stay active for as long as he/she wishes. Once a member elects emeritus status, he/she shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Society, but will not be asked to pay membership dues. Please complete a brief application for a status change and return to info@sri-online.org.

Download the Application

Honorary Membership

New Nomination Process!

Honorary Membership in the SRI is awarded to an individual who has achieved recognition for scientific contributions of an original nature in reproductive biology in which he/she has personally actively participated. Moreover, this person should have demonstrated by past performance and future objectives that this interest in reproductive biology is dynamic. The individual need not necessarily occupy a position in an institution of higher learning, nor necessarily function in a medical or paramedical area. Honorary Members shall enjoy all of the rights and privileges of other members of the Society, except that they shall not be required to pay any dues or assessments which may be imposed by these Bylaws, or by action of the Council as provided for herein, nor shall Honorary Members be entitled to hold any elective or appointive office in the Society.

SRI hopes these individuals will be active within the Society, including interacting with members and attending various activities at the Annual Meeting. Additionally, individuals may be able to assist in nominating SRI members to prestigious Societies, an activity led by the SoAR Committee.

Complete this Nomination Form for the individual you wish to nominate, and send that, along with their CV, to info@sri-online.org by December 1 of any given year.

Developing Economies Membership Discount

SRI is pleased to offer a discount on membership to those currently living and working in a developing economy (as defined by the International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook Database)! The reduced rate will still include all of the same benefits, including online access to Reproductive Sciences. To apply, please indicate this in your online membership application by checking the appropriate box.





Inactive Membership

Inactive Membership status may be requested by a member at any age due to ill-health, financial difficulty or early retirement. An inactive member will not have to pay dues and will not participate in the activities of the society. The request for change from active to inactive status and the possibility of a return to active status will require the approval of the President and/or Council.

Questions concerning membership may be directed to the SRI Office at info@sri-online.org or call (414) 918-9888.

Society for Reproductive Investigation

since 1953

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