Annual Meeting Policies

SRI Meeting Attendee Code of Conduct

By attending any SRI event, you agree voluntarily to abide by our code of conduct:

We value your attendance, and want to make your experience as productive and professionally stimulating as possible.

Expected Behavior

  • Please communicate openly with respect and consideration for others, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
  • Avoid personal attacks directed toward other attendees, participants, volunteers, exhibitors, staff and suppliers/ vendors.
  • Turn off any ringers or otherwise disrupting devices during oral or poster sessions.
  • Request permission from speakers before recording or taking photographs during their presentation.
  • Photos are not to be taken of posters either during or outside of poster viewing hours, unless you have received permission from the author.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and your fellow participants. Alert staff if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.
  • Respect the rules and policies of the convention center, hotels, contracted facility, or any other venue.

Harassment and Safety

SRI is dedicated to providing a collegial, safe, hospitable, and productive environment for everyone attending our events, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, educational background, ability status, political affiliation, nationality. It is important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is neither healthy nor productive. Accordingly, SRI prohibits intimidating, threatening, or harassing conduct during our conferences. This policy applies to speakers, staff, volunteers, attendees and vendors. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference, at the discretion of SRI.

Harassment of SRI participants will not be tolerated in any form. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive gestures or verbal comments related to ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, educational background, ability status, political affiliation, nationality , deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate or unwanted physical contact or touching, unwelcome attention, or other disruptive or harassing behavior of any kind. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.

If anyone subject to this policy engages in behavior which is harassing or in otherwise violation of this policy, SRI may take any action they deem appropriate, ranging from a simple warning to the offender to expulsion from a meeting without refund and/or future meetings and events, or such other action including notifying authorities. If you are the subject (or know someone who is the subject) of harassment or other violation of this policy, or have any other concerns, please do not hesitate to contact SRI staff who can work with appropriate SRI leadership to resolve or otherwise respond to the situation.

SRI staff will be happy to help participants contact convention center/hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, and otherwise assist those experiencing harassment, to enable them to feel safe for the duration of the conference.

Need to file a complaint? Please contact the SRI Executive Director, Leah Miller, at


All authors connected to a presentation and/or abstract must agree on all information contained in the presentation. Failure of an author to agree to the presentation format will lead to the presentation being withdrawn from the meeting.

An author who submits a presentation to the Annual Meeting must have intentions of attending, registering, and presenting at the meeting once the submission is accepted into the program. Repeated or consecutive last-minute cancellations by presenters may result in future submissions being denied.

Policy for Advertising External Meetings

  1. The meeting/event must occur more than 3 months before or after SRI’s Annual Scientific Meeting, as not to conflict or compete.
  2. The meeting/event must contain content that is relevant to the field of reproductive health and of interest to SRI members.
  3. If the meeting/event fulfills the above requirements, it will be forwarded to the Chair of SRI 365 for approval and inclusion on this webpage

Please contact the SRI Staff with inquiries by emailing

Meeting Registration

Registration cancellation must be in writing to the SRI administrative office in Milwaukee, WI. Registration fees will be refunded, less a $50.00 administrative fee if the request is made prior to advance registration deadline date of the current year. Registration Fees will be refunded at 50% of the total registration cost if the request is made between the advance registration deadline date of the current year and the online registration deadline date of the current year.

No Refunds will be made on registration cancellations after the online registration deadline date of the current year.

SRI Meeting Substitution Policy

If you have registered to attend an SRI Meeting and are unable to attend, you may request a refund in writing prior to deadline date (see cancellation policy). You may prefer to send someone in your place however; the substitute must be in the same category that you have registered (i.e. Member, Non-Member, In Training, etc.). If you have registered as a Member and the person that will replace you is not a member of the Society, your replacement will be asked to pay the difference between the Member and the Non-Member registration fee.

Abstract Submission Policy

The receipt, evaluation and assignment of scientific abstracts to specific categories for the Annual Scientific meeting or to other meetings for which the SRI assumes responsibility for managing the program will incur a fee. Thus the following policy has been created to provide partial offset to the cost of such efforts. Effective immediately, each and every abstract submission must be accompanied with a payment of $50 (USD). This peer abstract cost is non-refundable. Those abstracts submitted without the appropriate payment will not be reviewed. Nor will they be returned to the author. It is incumbent on each and every author charged with the responsibility of submitting abstracts to be aware of this policy which will be posted on the SRI website indefinitely along with other instructions regarding appropriate abstract format and submission details. The SRI maintains the right to reject abstracts that fail to conform to these guidelines.

Abstract Withdrawal Policy

  • Abstracts for the SRI Annual Scientific Meeting are submitted between 8 - 5 months prior and reviewed 3 months prior to the meeting. Successful contributors of such abstracts are notified by e-mail of acceptance in January before the scheduled meeting.
  • While withdrawal is allowable in rare circumstances, it is incumbent upon the lead author or sponsor to inform SRI in writing before the meeting that the abstract is being withdrawn. Such actions allow the Program Director to alter the format and/or position of presentations as soon as possible.
  • In the event that notification of withdrawal is not received before the meeting and a “no show” occurs without just cause, the Program Director will inform the SRI President, Council and the Chair of the Program Committee of such a breach of protocol.
  • The SRI Executive Director will investigate the breach within 30 days of the meeting’s end, and if no justifiable reason is found, will impose an appropriate sanction.
  • An individual found to be in breach of these rules will be prohibited from submitting an abstract to the Annual Meeting or serving as an abstract co-author or program moderator for a period of twenty-four months (two consecutive Annual Meetings).

Adopted by 2014 SRI President Kelle Moley, MD on July 10, 2013.

Please send all questions on abstract withdrawal to SRI Meetings Manager, Jamie Brouws (she/her) at

Abstract Press Release and Embargo Policy

To maintain the integrity of the research presented at the Annual Meeting, the SRI has a strict abstract press release development policy. Please note that you as an author are responsible for notifying affiliated academic institutions, public relations/advertising/marketing companies, private organizations and companies associated with your abstract about this policy.

All press releases regarding scientific presentations made at the SRI Annual Meeting MUST be reviewed in advance by SRI Executive Director. Please email press release drafts to for review.

Once approved, coverage of an abstract or poster is strictly prohibited until the researcher’s presentation Academic institutions, public relations/advertising/marketing companies, private organizations and companies with products associated with an abstract may not issue the preapproved press release nor initiate media contact about the contents/findings of the abstract until the embargo is lifted. Information released prior to embargo is a violation of the SRI Abstract Press Release and Embargo Policy.

SRI Photography/Recording/Social Media Policy

Photography Disclaimer

By registering for the SRI Annual Meeting, you give consent to be photographed by SRI staff for purposes of advertising and public display.

Session Recording and Photos

Session content is copyright-protected by SRI. Recording of any session without the consent of SRI is prohibited. Any recording done with consent of SRI is for personal use only and cannot be reproduced or distributed. Please refrain from taking photos of the presenter or the presentations as it is disruptive and the flash is distracting.




Society for Reproductive Investigation

since 1953

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